
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I made it...

We made it to the show.  Any guess on what time I left???  I didn't leave the house until after noon.  Ok here are my excuses.  It was raining.  The weather was even worse on the side of town where the show is and the news reported accidents all over the interstate.  Soooo, I got my list done and left a little later.

This show I actually did get a stall.  We live a little south of town and the show is at the furthest point it could be from us (56 miles away).  So when you have to be there really early it is nice to not have to also worry about bathing your horse then loading and heading over to the show all before 6am.  I think Poppy will be happier too.

So I got to the show to school.  They opened up the jumper ring for hacking and they had 2 schooling jumps set up.  Our ring is a fully enclosed indoor.  Much like what you see at Indoors so great practice to see how she handles it.  Much like Indoors there are a ton of people in there schooling with you.  The Maclay Regionals are also being held in the jumper ring so I was schooling with all of them too.  Poppy was great.  She didn't bat an eye at anything.  Not the all the people zooming by or the people sitting in the stands.  We just did a few schooling jumps and let her be done.

They are opening the ring again in the morning from 5:30-7am.  I would have to leave here by 5 to get there by 6am.  I don't see that happening.  We will plan to do one schooling class tomorrow and then round 1 of the championships start in the afternoon.

Poppy after her bath