I ride and compete as an amateur in the jumpers. I have 4 horses that are my world and I spend every free minute I have riding and/or showing. I struggle to balance the horses with working full time but I wouldn't change any of it for the world!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Here's to Another Year!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Bubble Wrapping the Baby
Thursday, November 14, 2013
20 Questions
1. Whats your horse's name and how did they come by it? Hobbs' show name is Mr Tamborine Man. My trainer K is a Bob Dylan fan and named him after one of his songs. Tank's show name is Takota. He came with the show name. Honestly I didn't think I would have him long so I never changed it even though I hate it. 6 years later I still have him and still hate the name. He got his barn name because when I bought him and my husband saw him for the first time he commented that he was built like a tank. Poppy's show name is Popstar. I let my trainer N name her and that's what she came up with. It suits her. Ketel's JC name is Perfect Ketel. I will likely keep that as his show name. I was told his owner named him after the vodka Ketel One. And then we have Cotton. He was white and fluffy when I got him as a baby hence how he got his name. He is now a silver dapple color. Oops.
2. What are your favorite breeches? For showing definitely Tailored Sportsmans.
For schooling I like both TS and Equine Couture.
3. Tall boots or paddock boots and half chaps? For schooling I wear black Dehner zip up paddock boots and Tredstep half chaps. I save my tall boots for showing.
4. What brand of tall boots do you have (if you wear them)? If you had an unlimited budget what would you get? I have a pair of custom Vogels. I think I would probably stick with the Vogels even with the unlimited budget. I'm dying for some custom leather half chaps though...
5. Favorite Helmet? GPA Speed Air. Looove it!
6. Shows or no shows? Shows. I can't imagine not showing.
7. Jumping or flat work? Both. Without strong flat work you can't succeed over fences. I try to limit the amount that I jump my horses so our main focus is flat work.
8. Hunters, Jumpers, Cross Country or Derby’s? Jumpers hands down. Every now and again I think doing some Equitation would be fun but doubt I will ever pursue that. I love doing the jumpers!
9. What other disciplines have you ridden? I started in the hunters and made the switch to jumpers while in college. I also did equitation while competing in IHSA in college. I boarded at a barn once that had hunter paces so I did a few of those. I also tried eventing twice. The first one I thought was fun and then the second one the cross country scared the sh**t out of me and I will never do that again. I went fox hunting once when I lived in MD and didn't think it was very fun plus it was freezing.
10. Dressed to the nines or whatever you can find when riding? I dress for the occasion. At a show, to the nines. For a lesson, nice and neat. At home, I try to also be neat so I don't ever get lazy and have it carry over to off the farm trips. I always boarded at barns that required your hair to be neatly up in a hair net, shirt tucked in, belt, etc so that has been ingrained in me. Over sized untucked tshirts are a major pet peeve or mine. Ask yourself, WWGMS?
11. Where do you shop the most for you? Your horse? Either the mobile tack stores at the shows or Dover. There are a few online store where I like to order supplies/meds.
12. When was the last time you rode and what did you do? A couple days ago I hacked Poppy.
13. What tack do you use every ride/day?
I love, love, love my Antares saddle. Best purchase ever! Each of my horses have schooling bridles for daily use. I'm not even sure of the brands. Poppy and Tank both go in figure 8's and rubber reins. Ketel has a standard hunter bridle. Tank has a fuzzy girth and an Equifit gel pad. Poppy uses a Pro Choice girth and a wool Beval saddle pad. Ketel also has a Pro Choice girth and then borrows Tank's Equifit pad for now.
14. What are your horses color(s)? I don't have colors. The colors of the barn I train with are green and purple so I have a custom trunk in their colors. Otherwise I try to get thing in basic colors because I think it is classier. I only use white square pads for showing, black polos or black Equifit boots, and all of my blankets are either Baker blankets or a dark hunter green in color. I would really prefer simple black so I think I will slowly switch blankets to that in the future.
15. How often do you clean your tack? Always after a show so it is clean and ready for next time. Ideally I try to clean my tack after every ride but sometimes time doesn't allow for it.
16. What kind of bit do you use? At home Poppy goes in either a 3 ring or a slow twist D. I show her in a Waterford D ring. Tank goes in a 3 ring but I just bought him a loose ring Waterford that I am anxious to try with him. Ketel goes in a French Link Loose ring.
17. Mares or Geldings? I own both and love both.
18. What is something you want to improve on in your riding? Getting more consistent (particularly in the shows), keeping my upper body back, and making distance decisions earlier.
19. Favorite horse-themed quote?
20.What was your most recent equestrian purchase? A new pair of Equine Couture schooling breeches. How cute are these?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Hunter Princess Blog Hop- Expand Your Inner Princess
What would you do/change if you had no limits on your inner princess?
Below are blog posts from bloggers currently participating in the Hunter Princess Blog Hop. Week ten - expand your inner hunter princess! If you've blogged on this subject and want to participate, click the "Add Link" button below!
1. | Lauren | 5. | Amy | |
2. | Paola | 6. | Tracy @ Fly On Over | |
3. | Bella | 7. | Save The Bullet | |
4. | Viva Carlos | 8. | Julie |