Wow did we have ALOT of rain over the weekend. It started on Thursday and rained nonstop through late Saturday night. We got 12 inches of rain over night on Thursday. So I woke up Friday morning to 3 inches of water in my feed/tack room, drenched stalls (the sideways rain came in through their windows), standing water everywhere around the yard, jumps get the point. I had taken Friday off from work Friday to go horse show so thankfully I was wasn't in a hurry to rush off to work. It took me almost all morning to get the wet stalls stripped and cleaned. The stalls on the west side of the barn were fine, just the east side were wet. So after I finished that I immediately called my husband and asked him to find someone that can build me some doors for the windows.
Soooo, the horse show was cancelled, every thing around here was under water. I was relieved, I did not want to be driving anywhere in this stuff. The poor horses were stalled from Thursday morning until Sunday evening. They have never been in that long. All I could do was hand walk them. Surprisingly they all handled it pretty well. Poppy was definitely going stir crazy. She is very laid back and not spooky however being inside that long she was spooking, antsy, and just bratty. Who could blame her though?
I'm not sure who was more happy when I turned them out Sunday evening, me or them. Probably them but yay for not having to clean stalls twice a day anymore. The show has been rescheduled for this Saturday but I am not sure if I will go. My jump field is still really soggy, the downfall of jumping on grass. I have a few days to decide though.
On a more exciting note Poppy's new Baker Fly sheet arrived Saturday. I wanted to share how pretty it is!
This was our road on Friday. Several of the neighbor's driveways were under water