Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Horses Make it Better

It feels like a whirlwind from about mid January.  From all the winter shows, to getting Luxxx, and issues at work.  I look back to a month ago and I was so completely stressed.  To the point of not sleeping or eating.  Just pulling in my driveway and seeing Poppy stick her head out her window, ears perked, and looking at me makes all the stress go away.  Horses make it better.

I am having a rough go of things at work right now.  Of course things I can't discuss on here but the sort of things that make jobs which require zero human contact appealing.  On the other hand I am so thankful.  I still can't believe everything worked out with Luxxx.  I never would have dream that whole scenario happening.  I miss Tank every day though and have resisted the urge to ask about him.  Sometimes not knowing is better if that makes sense?  

Yesterday was blustery and 80% chance of rain so I figured riding was going to be a wash.  It hadn't started yet when I got home so I hurriedly got Poppy tacked up.  Probably due to the wind and temperature drop she had a big hump in her back and she kept trying to buck.  Maybe I should have been frustrated but she was feeling good and this made me happy.  To have the luxury of forgetting the world and riding your horse is like nothing else.  Somehow horses always make it better.

This is Luxxx eating his bran mash on Sunday evening.  He is such a ham.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring is Here

...at least for the weekend it was.  It was a beautiful sunny and warm weekend.  Friday I had a great hack on Poppy and jumped a couple little jumps.  Saturday I jumped her a bit bigger. She doesn't need much schooling over the fences so I only did one course.  I prefer to keep her fit and tuned by hacking and working over poles.

Luxxx had some swelling on one of his hocks due to Thursday's wash rack incident.  I decided to put him on the lunge and see if he was lame.  He wasn't.  He worked great on the lunge and listened well to all my commands.  I could just watch him all day.  All three of his gates are lovely.  I can't wait until he is going under saddle to feel his canter.  He was nice and sweaty so here we go with the wash rack again.  I held his lead rope versus putting him on the cross ties and worked with him slowly.  He was really good.  The work also brought down the swelling in his hock.  There's no heat and he's not lame so the swelling is likely from the scrapes.  Husband came over to lend a hand so he held Luxxx while I treated his scrapes.  They were cute.  Luxxx was sniffing him all over and very politely standing quietly.  I am so pleased with him.

I made a video of his free jumping.  No new videos but just a compilation of them.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Lesson #2

Last evening Luxxx had his second lesson with M.  It started with Luxxx refusing to get on the trailer.  He politely planted his feet and said "nope I'm just gonna stand here and stare at you."  Moving a large baby is impossible.  I got the chain lead to put over his nose to help encourage him.  The chain is my last resort with him but it always works.  On he went. 

M threw the western saddle on him and he stood quietly.  He then went in the round pen for some lunging.  Luxxx was great.  Then he tied the feed bag on the saddle.  He tried to run from it again but eventually settled.  M also shook it and threw it over him a bunch. It is important to desensitize babies to everything.  Things happen, maybe you are mounting and they walk forward and you get dislodged.  You don't want the horse to get scared and bolt.  As many situations you can present to young horses the better.  

M then had me work Luxxx lunging and teaching him commands.  He corrected me that I should only ask him to whoa once.  If he doesn't respond he works more.  Repeat until he listens the first time.  

We then tied him to the pole and let him practice standing.  He was good.  M got on and off him a few times then it was my turn.  Woohoo I sat on Luxxx for the first time!  To be quite honest, I was uncomfortable.  I like to get on AFTER they are broke.

Luxxx was pretty sweaty so we decided try him on the wash rack.  I warned M that he is not used to being hosed.  As soon as M turned the hose on Luxxx panicked.  When he couldn't break free he really panicked.  His legs went out from under him and he rolled onto his back (still tied).  He flailed and rolled around more until he was calm enough that we could get him free.  Despite being completely terrified at this point we got him calm enough to hose him off. He has some scrapes in his legs.  It is hard to watch but I tell you most babies react this way.  Mike saidnhe has seen some worse, some better.  He has to learn running away is not an option and we are not going to hurt him.  M described him as "a big awkward ducking who doesn't know where his feet are."  He couldn't get out of his own way and just fell over.  Multiple times.  Not fun to watch...

I took baby home and cleaned his wounds and fed him.  I am sure he was exhausted.  The wounds are really just scrapes from the concrete and looked better this morning.  No swelling, I'm sure he will be fine.

I forget who said this, maybe Mclain Ward?  The first time I saw it I instantly thought of Poppy.  Maybe Luxxx too...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oh Baby!

Thank you for your comments on my last post.  I also want to clarify that when I wrote about some of the responses I received about Luxxx breaking his halters those were from acquaintances of mine, not from blog comments.  Babies are challenging and not for everyone.  I myself have concluded that as I get older I feel less inclined to continue purchasing babies and green horses.  There are ups and downs to that however.  It is definitely nice to take on a "clean slate."  A horse who has not been taught bad habits, poor training, and negative experiences.  I think re-training these things is far more frustrating. 

Monday was gross and rainy so no riding or turnout for the horses.  It finally let up Tuesday evening so the horses were very excited to get out of the barn.  My excitement though was from receiving baby pictures of Luxxx from his breeder.  

Soooo cute!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Are Babies for You?

I've shared on my blog and with others that baby Luxxx has broken a couple of my leather halters since I've had him.  I am a bit surprised by a few reactions I have received.  "I hope he gets better" to "that doesn't sound like a horse you want to keep."  This has made me realize people don't understand young horse behavior thus my post for today.

Most baby horses do not hit the ground with perfect manners.  Some are better than others but most have to be taught.  They learn some from their dam.  Then when weaned it is best to give them pasture time with others so they can learn to socialize and learn more manners.  Then it is up to us to teach them.

Horses are flight animals.  When scared they run from what scares them.  As youngsters coming into a training program they have not yet learned to trust us so when introduced to new things sometimes they run.  Hence death of leather halter #1.  Luxxx has never seen clippers.  These noise making vibrating jaws of death are scary to a baby who has never seen them and has not yet learned to trust me.  I turned them on and back he went, safely away from the jaws of death.  I grabbed another halter, stuffed treats in my pocket, caught baby, and took him to his stall.  I backed him in the corner and we started desensitizing to the clippers.  I gave him a few small pieces of carrot to reward him for
allowing me to do this.  After maybe 10 minutes or so he let me clip his muzzle, then his bridle path, then his ears.  He learned I was not going to hurt him with the jaws of death and if he allowed it he got rewarded.  That is a good baby.

Death of halter #2 came with trying to give him a bath.  He flew out of my wash stall with me in tow.  Again, imagine how scary the hose is if you aren't used to it.  It took awhile and a lot of convincing to get him back in there but he eventually went and he let me bath him.  Good baby.

It will take time as I introduce him to many many things but this is the process with youngsters.  He will build a trust with me and it will get easier but there will be many firsts for him.  If you do not have an enormous amount of patience or experience babies are not for you.  Their "bad behavior" is merely a lack of understanding and following their instinct.  It is our job to teach.  Keep this in mind as your finished horse stands quietly in the cross ties for you to tack them up, pull their mane, or clip their ears.  Someone taught them that.

Luxxx in his new rope halter. If he pulls back it puts pressure on the poll to discourage that.  I also have safety release cross ties.  I leave the lead rope dangling so I have something to grab should the cross ties release.  He will continue to get tying lessons at M's.  He has a pole that is concreted into the ground.  He will be unable to get free and with the rope halter applying pressure to the pole as he pulls he will learn to break the pulling back behavior.  Let me also say that when doing this you need to supervise and also have the halter correctly knotted for a quick release should you need it.

All of my horses stand quietly tied.  Even my mini.  And Luxxx will be no different in due time.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Baby's First Lesson

Last evening I took baby Luxxx to my friend M's for his first lesson.  I was so intently watching and asking questions that I forgot to photograph or video.  M started by putting a rope halter on Luxxx and telling me to purchase one as he has learned to sit back and break out now. Luxxx had to stand tied for awhile.  He at first objected and then changed his mind.  Next he got the saddle on (western).  Not much reaction to that.  M even stood in the stirrups a few times and he was good.  Then they started the round pen work.  Luxxx had the usually baby behavior of a couple bucks and some kicking out.  M says he needs to learn respect and I am to give him NO TREATS.  Then M tied a feed bag around the saddle.  At first no reaction then Luxxx thought he should try to outrun it.  That got tiring so he gave up.  M said that's a good sign.  Last he did some more tying and M actually sat on him for a few minutes.

Baby was good.  We will do this a few times a week to get him started.  So exciting!  M is a good friend and my farrier.  Fortunately he also lives just down the road.  He breaks and trains horses and his wife competes in barrel racing.  While I was there he had me get on one of his mares and gave me a quick lesson.

So fun!  Have a great weekend and hope you get in lots of pony time!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

More YHS Pics

Poor baby still seemed tired yesterday so he just got a brief groom session.  I had a nice hack on Poppy.  I haven't jumped her since HITS so maybe this weekend I will school her over a few.  If my friend has time this evening I plan to bring Luxxx over to his place to start his round pen work.  It's time to get this baby started!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

YHS horse show


Up at 4:45 am to get dressed, feed horses, morning barn chores, bathe Luxxx, and be on the road by 6ish.  I got him bathed with only an initial explosion.  He loaded fine then tried to turn around and exit.  Trying to get a horse locked in by yourself while they want off the trailer is not fun.  I succeeded with only minor scapes and figured I would assess him for damage when we got to the show (he was fine).

My friend that was going with me had a work emergency and couldn't go.  Fortunately I knew others who were already going and offered to help.  Plus Luxxx's breeder would be there.  I barely got him unloaded when the braider had to start braiding him.  Fortunately a friend was able to hold him while I parked and unloaded my necessities.  A few braids shy of being done and they were calling him early to the jump chute.  So we hurried up and then waited forever at the chute (typical of shows, hurry up and wait).  Luxxx did your typical "baby's first show" behavior.  Spooking at everything,   climbing on top of me, screaming, pawing, etc.  For the warm up it was a basic practice through the chute.  He's already well trained with it so he was good.  It was a nice class to get him out and accustomed to the ring.  They have professional handlers that take the horses through the chute.  You just hand them over at the gate.  That was at about 9:30am...

Our 3 yo jump chute class did not go until almost 5pm!!!  It gave him time to settle in and me to spend a beautiful warm day in Ocala watching gorgeous youngsters being shown in hand, jump chute, and some classes riding.  It was fabulous!  There was not one horse that wasn't drool worthy.  Well one, until I saw her jump.  I'm not a fan of paints and she was small (large pony sized) but oh my did she jump well!  So no, not one horse who wasn't drool worthy!

When our time came he was cool and relaxed.  Completely different horse from the morning as we stood and waited.

He scored 8 out of 10 possible points which qualifies him for the finals at the end of the year.  He also came in 4th place!!

I didn't get home until 9pm and still had to do barn chores then get up and go to work today.  I'm tired and a bit out of it but had to share this.  I am so incredibly proud of Luxxx!  More later...

Monday, March 10, 2014

HITS Photo

It came!  It came!!  Here is the photo from last Saturday's High Adult Jumper Classic at HITS.

And then I played with it on Instagram...

I spent Saturday with Luxxx.  3 hours, 2 broken halters, some body slamming and dragging later he has a pulled mane, clipped muzzle and ears, and a bath.  I have never been so exhausted in my life. Too tired and sore to even get on Poppy.  Baby is big so when he didn't approve of something he went flying back and with me holding the lead rope I went flying.  Fortunately he always eventually gave in. This is important.  Despite the tantrums and bad behavior at first he always relented.  I was really surprised at his reaction to the bath.  Has he really never had a bath???  He was not good about pulling his mane which means the end result is a too short mane.  He wouldn't stand still for me to get it even so I kept pulling.  Then the next day he rubbed his mane so it's now really short.  As a jumper rider I don't like super short manes.  Oh well, it will grow.

The husband took me to dinner after all that and listened to me recap about baby and that I am getting too old for baby behavior.  His simple response was "I'm not worried about that one, he's going to be really nice."  I sure hope he's right.

Tomorrow baby and I are off to the YHS show.  I hope I can get him bathed and loaded in the trailer by 6am.  By myself.  Loading, I have a feeling, it going to be a challenge!  If we get loaded and make it there I hope to have lots of photos and video to share!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blog Hop: 7 Deadly Sins

Seven great things/strengths in your riding life
1.  That I have trained with the same barn since 1998 and the barn owner and trainer are my best friends.
2.  Above mentioned barn owner and trainers understand showing on the rated circuit on a budget and have been there too.
3.  Owning my own barn.
4.  Having the drive and passion to learn and excel in this sport.
5.  Having a husband that tolerates my horse obsession.
6.  Great friends who also ride and are supportive.
7.  Having a current show mount that I click well with.
8.  Having a nice prospect to bring along.

Seven things you lack or covet for you or your horse
1.  An Animo jumper coat.
2.  Unlimited show budget.
3.  Unlimited clothing budget.
4.  Custom lightweight cooler in barn colors for both horses.
5.  Custom half chaps.
6.  A CWD or Antares stud guard girth for Poppy.
7.  An all weather footing ring.
Seven things that make you angry
1.  People who get off their hot sweaty horse and tend to themselves instead of their horse.
2.  People who own a horse but have no idea what it eats, what its habits are, or how to care for it.
3.  People who are breed prejudice. 
4.  When I make stupid mistakes in the show ring.
5.  People who go online and are not truthful about their abilities, achievements, and even the horse they own.
6.  When work keeps me from riding.
7.  Rain.
Seven things you neglect to do or cut corners on
1.  Clean my tack after every ride.
2.  Organize my trailer tack room.
3.  Organize my barn tack/feed room.
4.  Polish my tall boots.
5.  Get rid of things I don't need.
6.  Keeping Hobbs' mane pulled or whiskers trimmed.
7.  Cleaning the spider webs in the barn.
Seven most expensive things you own for your horse/riding
1.  My Antares saddle.
2.  Speed Air helmet.
3.  Truck.
4.  Horse trailer.
5.  Barn/property.
6.  Custom Vogels.
7.  Do the actual horses count??
Seven guilty pleasures of favorite items
1.  Owning nice horses.
2.  Being able to afford to compete at the rated level.
3.  My friendship with K & N.
4.  Poppy :)
5.  This sport.
6.  Occasionally being able to splurge on nice items.
7.  Winning.
Seven things you love about horses and riding
1.  The passion and dedication it takes.
2.  The competition.
3.  That I get to see my horses when I wake up and before bed.
4.  How hard my horses try for me.
5.  The comradery amongst my riding friends.
6.  Setting goals, working toward them, and excelling beyond them.
7.  The sounds and smells that go along with horses.

1. suenostomanvuelo.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlViva Carlos  19. maggiebright.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop.htmlSarah  
2. handgallop.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlHand Gallop  20. kataidressage.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlKatai is Stuborn  
3. nolongerfiction.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlForging Fiction  21. thehappyrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-magical-pony-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlThe Happy Rider  
4. fillysbestfriend.blogspot.ca/2014/03/7-deadly-sins-blog-hop-hosted-by-viva.htmlFilly's Best Friend  22. storiesfromsaddle.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlJenn  
5. lighthousehillstables.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlWoven Web Diaries  23. flyonover.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlTracy @ Fly On Over  
6. adventuresofjeremy.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlAdventures of Jeremy  24. chroniclesofamoodymare.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlChronicles of a Moody Mare  
7. adventureswithahorse.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAdventures with Shyloh  25. thoroughbredadventure.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlTBA  
8. theredheadedmare.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAlicia  26. collegialequestrian.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlCollegial Equestrian  
9. dondeestahenry.blogspot.com/2014/03/hopppppppp.htmlAll In- Henry and Karley  27. jessandprinceofthieves.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlJessica  
10. www.simplyhorsecrazy.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSimply Horse Crazy  28. dressagehafl.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlDressage Hafl  
11. semiferalrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSemi Feral  29. standardspyder.blogspot.com/Jessica  
12. www.equestrianathart.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlEquestrian At Hart  30. outofthebox-elena.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlOut of the Box  
13. agifthorse.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins/Genny  31. myexracer.com/2014/03/magical-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins/My ExRacers  
14. goldenponyadventures.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlA Blonde, Brunette, and a Redhead  32. the-walker-chronicles.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blop-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlThe Walker Chronicles  
15. www.cobjockey.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlCob Jockey  33. diaryofahorseobsessedgirl.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=pKsgpEQBAAA.VFx9jmd7SvIbZURFfRlh4Q.2rbCRRMashKpzyUlp-ERmw&postId=6643955997504205735&type=POSTAmy  
16. www.theowlsapprove.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlBeka  34. ponytude.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop.htmlPONY'TUDE  
17. pampered-ponies.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlPampered Ponies  35. guineaforaguinness.blogspot.com/2014/03/7-deadly-sins-blog-hopping.htmlGuinness on Tap  
18. geneticallyhorsecrazy.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlGenetically Horse Crazy  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

1. suenostomanvuelo.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlViva Carlos  18. geneticallyhorsecrazy.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlGenetically Horse Crazy  
2. handgallop.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlHand Gallop  19. maggiebright.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop.htmlSarah  
3. nolongerfiction.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlForging Fiction  20. kataidressage.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlKatai is Stuborn  
4. fillysbestfriend.blogspot.ca/2014/03/7-deadly-sins-blog-hop-hosted-by-viva.htmlFilly's Best Friend  21. thehappyrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-magical-pony-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlThe Happy Rider  
5. lighthousehillstables.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlWoven Web Diaries  22. storiesfromsaddle.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlJenn  
6. adventuresofjeremy.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlAdventures of Jeremy  23. flyonover.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlTracy @ Fly On Over  
7. adventureswithahorse.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAdventures with Shyloh  24. chroniclesofamoodymare.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlChronicles of a Moody Mare  
8. theredheadedmare.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAlicia  25. thoroughbredadventure.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlTBA  
9. dondeestahenry.blogspot.com/2014/03/hopppppppp.htmlAll In- Henry and Karley  26. collegialequestrian.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlCollegial Equestrian  
10. www.simplyhorsecrazy.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSimply Horse Crazy  27. jessandprinceofthieves.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlJessica  
11. semiferalrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSemi Feral  28. dressagehafl.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlDressage Hafl  
12. www.equestrianathart.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlEquestrian At Hart  29. standardspyder.blogspot.com/Jessica  
13. agifthorse.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins/Genny  30. outofthebox-elena.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlOut of the Box  
14. goldenponyadventures.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlA Blonde, Brunette, and a Redhead  31. myexracer.com/2014/03/magical-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins/My ExRacers  
15. www.cobjockey.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlCob Jockey  32. the-walker-chronicles.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blop-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlThe Walker Chronicles  
16. www.theowlsapprove.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlBeka  33. diaryofahorseobsessedgirl.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=pKsgpEQBAAA.VFx9jmd7SvIbZURFfRlh4Q.2rbCRRMashKpzyUlp-ERmw&postId=6643955997504205735&type=POSTAmy  
17. pampered-ponies.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlPampered Ponies  

(Submissions close in 2d 13h 57m)
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1. suenostomanvuelo.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlViva Carlos  18. geneticallyhorsecrazy.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlGenetically Horse Crazy  
2. handgallop.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlHand Gallop  19. maggiebright.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop.htmlSarah  
3. nolongerfiction.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlForging Fiction  20. kataidressage.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlKatai is Stuborn  
4. fillysbestfriend.blogspot.ca/2014/03/7-deadly-sins-blog-hop-hosted-by-viva.htmlFilly's Best Friend  21. thehappyrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-magical-pony-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlThe Happy Rider  
5. lighthousehillstables.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlWoven Web Diaries  22. storiesfromsaddle.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlJenn  
6. adventuresofjeremy.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlAdventures of Jeremy  23. flyonover.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlTracy @ Fly On Over  
7. adventureswithahorse.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAdventures with Shyloh  24. chroniclesofamoodymare.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlChronicles of a Moody Mare  
8. theredheadedmare.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAlicia  25. thoroughbredadventure.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlTBA  
9. dondeestahenry.blogspot.com/2014/03/hopppppppp.htmlAll In- Henry and Karley  26. collegialequestrian.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlCollegial Equestrian  
10. www.simplyhorsecrazy.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSimply Horse Crazy  27. jessandprinceofthieves.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlJessica  
11. semiferalrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSemi Feral  28. dressagehafl.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlDressage Hafl  
12. www.equestrianathart.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlEquestrian At Hart  29. standardspyder.blogspot.com/Jessica  
13. agifthorse.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins/Genny  30. outofthebox-elena.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlOut of the Box  
14. goldenponyadventures.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlA Blonde, Brunette, and a Redhead  31. myexracer.com/2014/03/magical-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins/My ExRacers  
15. www.cobjockey.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlCob Jockey  32. the-walker-chronicles.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blop-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlThe Walker Chronicles  
16. www.theowlsapprove.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlBeka  33. diaryofahorseobsessedgirl.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=pKsgpEQBAAA.VFx9jmd7SvIbZURFfRlh4Q.2rbCRRMashKpzyUlp-ERmw&postId=6643955997504205735&type=POSTAmy  
17. pampered-ponies.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlPampered Ponies  

(Submissions close in 2d 13h 58m)
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1. suenostomanvuelo.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlViva Carlos  18. geneticallyhorsecrazy.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlGenetically Horse Crazy  
2. handgallop.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlHand Gallop  19. maggiebright.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop.htmlSarah  
3. nolongerfiction.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlForging Fiction  20. kataidressage.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlKatai is Stuborn  
4. fillysbestfriend.blogspot.ca/2014/03/7-deadly-sins-blog-hop-hosted-by-viva.htmlFilly's Best Friend  21. thehappyrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-magical-pony-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlThe Happy Rider  
5. lighthousehillstables.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlWoven Web Diaries  22. storiesfromsaddle.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlJenn  
6. adventuresofjeremy.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlAdventures of Jeremy  23. flyonover.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlTracy @ Fly On Over  
7. adventureswithahorse.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAdventures with Shyloh  24. chroniclesofamoodymare.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlChronicles of a Moody Mare  
8. theredheadedmare.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlAlicia  25. thoroughbredadventure.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlTBA  
9. dondeestahenry.blogspot.com/2014/03/hopppppppp.htmlAll In- Henry and Karley  26. collegialequestrian.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlCollegial Equestrian  
10. www.simplyhorsecrazy.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSimply Horse Crazy  27. jessandprinceofthieves.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlJessica  
11. semiferalrider.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlSemi Feral  28. dressagehafl.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins.htmlDressage Hafl  
12. www.equestrianathart.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-magical-blog-hop-7-deadly.htmlEquestrian At Hart  29. standardspyder.blogspot.com/Jessica  
13. agifthorse.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins/Genny  30. outofthebox-elena.blogspot.com/2014/03/blog-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlOut of the Box  
14. goldenponyadventures.blogspot.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlA Blonde, Brunette, and a Redhead  31. myexracer.com/2014/03/magical-blog-hop-seven-deadly-sins/My ExRacers  
15. www.cobjockey.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-7-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlCob Jockey  32. the-walker-chronicles.blogspot.ca/2014/03/blop-hop-7-deadly-sins.htmlThe Walker Chronicles  
16. www.theowlsapprove.com/2014/03/viva-carlos-blog-hop.htmlBeka  33. diaryofahorseobsessedgirl.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=pKsgpEQBAAA.VFx9jmd7SvIbZURFfRlh4Q.2rbCRRMashKpzyUlp-ERmw&postId=6643955997504205735&type=POSTAmy  
17. pampered-ponies.blogspot.com/2014/03/seven-deadly-sins-blog-hop.htmlPampered Ponies  

(Submissions close in 2d 13h 59m)
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Thursday, March 6, 2014


I was so excited to get home from HITS and spend some time with Luxxx.  He is settling in and getting used to the routine of my barn.

A friend offered to go with me so I have entered Luxxx in the Spycoast YHS show on March 11th.   
He will do the jump chute for 3 year olds.  It should be interesting.  I have never been to one of these so it will be a learning experience for both of us.  On my agenda this weekend will be to pull his mane and trim whiskers.  Hopefully he will let me.  

I am excited and look forward to sharing this experience with you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

HITS Part 2

Since Poppy was so good in the classic Saturday night I did not show her on Sunday.  I was glad.  We finished so late that even without cleaning my tack and giving her a really quick bath I didn't leave the grounds until 9:30pm.

I still got to the show early Sunday so I could lend a hand.  I know N and M were exhausted and still had horses showing.  We are a do it yourself barn (which I love) so no grooms to help.  I have been at both types are facilities and this is my choice.  A topic for another time though...

Finally when everything was done at the barn I headed off to pay my entry fees, look at photos, and shop.  Nothing like paying a show bill where you went in 3 classes and it cost more than the mortgage on my first house.  

Next stop pictures.  I bought a great shot of Poppy in the classic.  Actually she has no bad shots.  It was tough choosing just one photo.  I then picked up a halter plate for Luxxx that I ordered.

A store was having a sale on show shirts so I bought one and a new halter for Hobbs since he broke his.  That's it.  I refrained from anymore shopping even though TS breeches were on sale and I could use another pair dang it!  Oh well...

I stayed and watched my friend P show then we headed home.  

It was a great weekend.  It has been many years since I showed at HITS.  Hobbs was the last horse I took there.  I tried to go last year but scratched due to the quarantine.  My only complaint this year was the lack of lighting.  It was unacceptable that I had to walk over a mile back to my tent after the classic Saturday night in the complete dark.  I had to yell at several golf carts to keep them from hitting me.  When I finally got to the road our tent was on I had to dismount because a trailer was following so close it was terrifying Poppy and she started standing up.  Then I had to bathe her in the wash racks in complete pitch black.  Overall I was pleased with everything but for the cost of showing there these items are not acceptable as it is a safety issue.  

Next I will update you on Luxxx.  I have big plans for him next week!